The Clan Donald of Scotland Septs:

Alastair, Allister, Anderson, Ballach, Beath, Beaton, Bethune, Bowie, Brodie, Budge, Buie, Bulloch, Cambridge, Cathal, Cathil, Cochran, Cochrane, Coll, Colson, Conn, Connal, Connell, Cook, Cooke, Coull, Coulson, Cririe, Cromb, Croom, Crum, Daniel, Daniels, Darrach, Darroch, Donald, Donaldson, Donnell, Drain, Dunnel, Forrest, Forrester, Galbraith, Gall, Galt, Gauld, Gaul, Gilbride, Gill, Gorrie, Gorry, Gowan, Gowans, Hawthorn, Heron, Hewison, Houstoun, Houston, Howat, Hoew, Howie, Howison, Hudson, Hutcheon, Hutcheson, Hutchin, Hutchinson, Hutchison, Hutchon, Hutson, Isles, Jeffrey, Keegan, Keighren, Kelly, Kinnell, Laing, Lang, Leitch, MacArthur, MacBeath, MacBheath, MacBrayne, MacBride, MacBryde, MacCaa, MacCairn, MacCambridge, MacCarron, MacCaw, MacCAy, MacCluskie, MacCodrum, MacColl, MacConnal, MacConnell,

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